You'll need a license to get legally married in Colorado.
Here's what you need to know:
#1: Marriage Licenses obtained in the state are valid anywhere in Colorado. The license must be returned to the same County Clerk that issued it - but the wedding can take place anywhere in Colorado. I'll return the license to the appropriate office of course, and I can point you in the right direction if you'd rather file it yourself.
#2: Marriages legalized in Colorado are recognized in all 50 states. My credentials are a combination of online and brick-and-mortar churches to make certain that all legal liabilities are considered.
#3: If you're traveling from another state - you WILL need a Colorado license. Do consider this when planning your trip: you'll need to make an appointment for your license before the ceremony. Most County Clerks are open by appointment: M-F 8-4:30. Find links below for specific clerks.
#4: You may be able to apply for your license online to save some time. You'll still need to show up in person to sign and show ID - but every little bit helps, right? Check the links below for info on your nearest County Clerk.
#5: Just to be extra clear - I cannot get a marriage license on your behalf. You will need to complete your own application and show several forms of ID.
#6: Okay, now find your nearest clerk and (maybe) pre-file online.
#7: Pick up you license 30 days or less before your wedding ceremony so it doesn't expire.
#8: Bring your license to the rehearsal or your ceremony. I'll help you fill it out, keep it safe, and then I will file it with the appropriate clerk. If you'd prefer to take it in yourself, that's fine too. Just let me know what you prefer!